Monday, August 2, 2010

Your mom and dad

There are a few things you need to know about my mom and dad. 1. They are dorks 2. They try really hard to be cool 3. they are each others best friend and the rest... well it couldn't be summed up so here it is.

One thing you need to know are the phones calls i get from them. They are for 1 of 2 reasons. 1. Something computer or TV related is going on that i need to fix RIGHT NOW and 2. No reason at all. I don't know which one is worse.

Sample of Reason number 1-

Me- Hey mom

Mom- OK we have a problem

me- what is it

mom- the cable is off and the big bang theory is about to start. your dad and i are freaking out.

me- OK what does the screen say

mom- well its on that blue screen with the grey box, you know which one I'm talking about

me- No mom i cant see your TV so i don't know what the screen looks like

mom- just tell me what to do Jackie we've got 2 minuets

me- OK well press the white CABLE button at the top of the remote

mom- white cable button................ OK got it

me- now what channel is TBBT on


me- OK press 6

mom- press 6.... OK done

mom and dad- give me cheer and tell me how smart i am, then quickly hang up sure to not miss the first moments of what is now their favorite show.

Reason number 2-

Me- Hey dad, whats up?

Dad- Nothing, just sitting here reading the paper, watch TV and arguing with your mom.

Me- Wow nothings changed

Dad (O shut up Karen) well what'd you expect.

Me- did you want something
dad- just wanted to see what you were doing


the next thing you need to know about my mom and dad the insist on calling the dogs my brothers and sister.

As their children grew up and moved on with their life they replaced them with children, O wait mean DOGS. Every phone call is not complete until i hear the latest for the doggie world. Our house is now all for the dogs. take for instance one time on a trip home for LV. I get in my comfies and get ready for a veg night with my mom and dad. I take my place on the couch, knowing better than to take either one of their almost matching recliners that are posted up side by side right in front of the TV. I soon get up to get a drink and go the bathroom, when i return i realize my seat has been jacked and my parent could care-less. i am told i can either get another chair or sit on the floor, know that is absurd i squeeze my way on the couch and make the dogs work around me. the way it should people. photo proof that the dogs have taken over is below.

the next thing you should know is that when my parents are acting up they are no longer my parents, they become my sisters parents. let me give you an example.

mom does something embarrassing in the middle of a store

Betsy grabs my arm and instructs me to "get my mom"

this is just the last thing i am going to post but most certainly is not the complete list of things you should know about my parents.

so i recently got diagnosed with being allergic to gluten. Not fun, but it is amazing how what you put in your body really effects the way you feel. OK so that is not what you need to know about my parents but what you should know is, after my mom heard of my news and i explained what it was and what is did. She began to think she had it to, which is very possible because it is genetic. but the funny part of this is how her and my dad are now on this gluten free kick. Every phone call is included about the newest product they have tried or asking me questions about it. I love that they are in to it but my mother is actually attending a class at whole foods. I am actually thinking of seeing if my whole foods has a class just so i can take my phone and snap pictures. Maybe this isn't funny to most but to me and my sisters its great!!

I love my mom and dad, they seriously provide entertainment in my life and i would be lost without them. They have provided me a life most dream of and they have shown me what real love is and it is safe to say i would not be the person i am without them and their hysterics.

Thought of the day: why are sharks the only animals the receive a whole week dedicated to them on television.


  1. This was great Jack...I can sooo see hear the tv conversation now with your mom. This was classis! Love it!!

  2. reason #101 why i am thankful katielately started blogging....i found THIS! and, i'm mad at you jackie. for not sharing. with me!
