Monday, August 23, 2010

Go Away!!!!

I have a problem in my life, well i don't see it as a problem but others do, so for the purpose of this blog we will call it a problem. I am easily annoyed. Back to the problem part, i don't see this as MY problem as much as the problem of those that annoyed me in the first place. You see this "problem" is not just aimed towards people... things annoy me to. o sit back and waste the next 10 minuets of your life reading about the list of people and things that annoy me and as far as I'm concerned should just go away!!

Reality TV "Stars"! The top three shows that need to go away and stay away.
1. Jersey Shore
2. The Real Housewives of... (every freaking city in the US)
3. The Bachelor/Bachelorette
These are old, tired, and played out! I am sick of people asking me if I watch them! I inform them that if I wanted to be around or watch dumb people i would just go to Walmart. Needless to say you will NEVER find me watching these shows even if there is "nothing" else on!
1. Jeggings
2. The 1980's Clothes
3. Boys in skinny jeans
4. Tiny Dogs/ Carrying them in a tote-bag.
Jeggins- What were they thinking when they designed these and what in the hell are people thinking when they put them on! I mean come on, the only people that should be wearing these are 4 year old little girls! Please please please stop wearing these America! For the sake of my eyes!
1980'2 Clothes- OK everyone looks back in pictures from this time and thinks what in the hell was i thinking. so why in the world would the kids today think it is cool to look like they are in sixteen candles! Yikes, I die a little on the inside when i go in a store (F21 or H&M) and it is floor to ceiling 1980s. When I ask the store clerk if they have anything you know from this time period not only to i get a blank look but i also get a look like i am crazy for not wanting to wear bright teal, sparkly short dress. Um no thanks!
Boys in Skinny Jeans- OK so maybe this isn't a huge problem in Oklahoma but in Las Vegas it is an epidemic. I mean I cant walk out of my house and not see a boy in skinny jeans. Even in the 115 degree weather. I mean yikes. And its not just high schoolers! I would say one out of every 5 guys on campus is in skinny jeans. Then you go to the strip and they forgeries think it is OK to cut their skinny jeans and make them shorts. Umm no yours in America now and you need to follow our rules (there is a whole post to come on things you need to know when coming to Vegas).
Tiny Dogs/ Dogs in tote bags- OK not only is Paris Hilton old but so is this. I just want to run up and rescue these poor little dogs. And even more so when they have clothes on. I mean come on, have a kid or something let dogs be dogs! Most of the time I refrained from saying something is because Sandro or Bern pull me in the other direction and give me the "please don't embarrass me look". 50% of the time that works, but it leaves me feeling horrible for these dogs.
This list is short and all i could think of for now but if you can think of other things that should go away then feel free to comment and let me know!!

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