Monday, December 6, 2010

I Didn't Forget About You!!

Hello Hunters,

You guys have been sending some AWESOME pics to me! I have saved all of them and as soon as finals are done I will post them! I am so sorry!

Please Keep Sending Them!!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Is No Excuse

So I know last week was Halloween week so there are no creature pics of people dressed up because I gave them the benefit of the doubt that they were dressed up for Halloween. So please keep in mind when look at these creatures that they are NOT dressed for the holiday!

2 things... 1- OMFG and 2- I can't believe my sister actually asked this girl to take this picture and that she agreed!
Photo Credit- Hunter Besty and Hunter Jayna

Kids this is what happens when you take drugs. And yet again my sister asked to take this picture and he agreed!

Photo Credit- Hunter Betsy

This is just tragic! I mean can't she feel the breeze? YIKES

Photo Credit- Hunter Kaite

OK 1- she is at the movies and 2- she is about 60 years old!

Photo Credit- Hunters Mike and Jayna

Thought of the Day- unless they ask, people don't want to know your life story!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to be a great hunter/ how to take awesome creature pictures

OK so many of you have told me that you are hunting but I have yet to get any pictures from you! So I thought I would put together a step by step process on how to get the best pictures possible.

1. Spot a creature

2. Get phone out of bag as fast as possible and open camera feature.

3. Place your self in a position that best captures the ridiculousness of the outfit and/or person.

4. Hold your phone up as if you were texting.

5. Snap the picture ( it is VERY important that your phone is on silent or vibrate, so the person can't hear the sound of you taking the picture.)

6. Send me that picture

Here is a pic for you complements of Hunter Melia!

I don't know what is worse, the fact that this is guy or the back cleavage he has going on!

Thought of the Day- I Got This!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Hits Just Keep Comin!


Come on man... Notice his hands in front... they are holding his shorts on!

Katy Perry I'm blaming this one on you!


No words.
Photo Credits; Me, Melia, Melias Friends
Thought of the Day- Fork Off!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

from my fellow hunters...

These were sent to me by Hunter Melia...

Looks like she had a rough time in Vegas!

OK 1. Close your legs 2. Why are you wearing a shirt that says Jersey Girl?

Hey Lady, 2 people called while you were out. The first was Billy Idol who says he wants his hair back and the other was Beetle Juice who wants his jacket back.

Keep Hunting My Friends!

Friday, October 8, 2010

My New Obsession

So I know it has been awhile since I last posted but that is because I have been busy hunting for the best creatures I can find to share with you all. Every where I go I am on the prowl, and no one is safe or spared from my camera. It is for this reason that unless I have important or hysterical stories/information to share with you this blog will be dedicated solely to the creatures of Las Vegas. You may think this is mean, but these people going out in public looking like this is mean to my eyes. With that being said here is my latest pray.

I love the socks with the sandals... o and the pants! AWESOME
(Sorry its blurry, she was moving)

True Religion + Ed Hardy = Dousche Pants

Hey the 90's called it wants its fake hair clip back!

Not so bad right?

Please take note of the items on the belt. In case you cant see its mouth wash, 2 KY Jelly's, A Sprite and a water! He's partying tonight!


I think this speaks for its self! What you can't see is her giving the name Bella to the Jamba Juice guy! WTF

If you see any creatures, send them to me! I will give you the photo credit. Also, if you are looking to be a hunter and need advice on how to get the best photo possiable I am teaching a class! Contact me of details!

Thought of the Day- If you look a fool, I will take a picture of you!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Things You Should Know When You Come To Vegas!

Ok! So there are somethings that I want the world to know when it comes to visiting Las Vegas! These are things we locals have discussed many of times and felt it important to share the list with you!!

I picked the top 5 that bug me the most!

5- This is for the ladies. First off you look ridiculous walking miles in 5 inch heals (we point and laugh) but second, it is NEVER OK for you to remove foot ware and walk around barefoot. I know your saying to yourself that it never happens. But, my friends... it does.

4- Don't rent a car unless you know where you are going and how to drive in this city. Us locals can spot a rent a car a mile away. Seriously, it annoys us. Please Please Please take a cab.

3- It is not acceptable for you to walk around in your undergarments. Ladies, bras and panties go under your clothes. Guys- same with boxers. Key point- UNDER the clothes. We don't want to see that, you are not cute, we don't think its funny, and most of all.. you look like a fool.

2- When you are walking on Las Vegas Blvd please take note of the big red/orange hand flashing. hint- THIS MEANS STOP WALKING. Please stop because I will hit you, or give you a scare, but you know what... its what you get. You are the reason I don't go down there, you are the reason every person hates driving on this street.

1- The most common offence and number one thing you should know before coming to Vegas... Fashion rules still apply. I can't tell you how many times i have been completely discussed by the sight of a 60 year old women in a spandex tube dress. YIKES! Or the hoards of old mean wearing wife betters, gold chains, and smoking cigars. Eww and don't hit on me. your old enough to be my dad!

There i more I'm sure but those are the ones that bug the most! If you have any questions or a planning a trip this way, please feel free to call ahead so i can fill you in on the dos and dont's of a Las Vegas traveler.

Thought of the Day- Eat a piece of cheese.
^^^ that is in honor of my mother, who's birthday is today and who swore that if you just eat a piece of cheese it would fill your hunger tell dinner.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Creature Time

Its that time again! I now find it impossible to go anywhere without hunting for creatures. I have also started receiving pics of creatures from my friends so some of the pics posted are complements of them. I still cant believe was walks around these Vegas streets.

Keep hunting my friends...

Thought of the Day- How come those signs say No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service but say nothing about pants?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Go Away!!!!

I have a problem in my life, well i don't see it as a problem but others do, so for the purpose of this blog we will call it a problem. I am easily annoyed. Back to the problem part, i don't see this as MY problem as much as the problem of those that annoyed me in the first place. You see this "problem" is not just aimed towards people... things annoy me to. o sit back and waste the next 10 minuets of your life reading about the list of people and things that annoy me and as far as I'm concerned should just go away!!

Reality TV "Stars"! The top three shows that need to go away and stay away.
1. Jersey Shore
2. The Real Housewives of... (every freaking city in the US)
3. The Bachelor/Bachelorette
These are old, tired, and played out! I am sick of people asking me if I watch them! I inform them that if I wanted to be around or watch dumb people i would just go to Walmart. Needless to say you will NEVER find me watching these shows even if there is "nothing" else on!
1. Jeggings
2. The 1980's Clothes
3. Boys in skinny jeans
4. Tiny Dogs/ Carrying them in a tote-bag.
Jeggins- What were they thinking when they designed these and what in the hell are people thinking when they put them on! I mean come on, the only people that should be wearing these are 4 year old little girls! Please please please stop wearing these America! For the sake of my eyes!
1980'2 Clothes- OK everyone looks back in pictures from this time and thinks what in the hell was i thinking. so why in the world would the kids today think it is cool to look like they are in sixteen candles! Yikes, I die a little on the inside when i go in a store (F21 or H&M) and it is floor to ceiling 1980s. When I ask the store clerk if they have anything you know from this time period not only to i get a blank look but i also get a look like i am crazy for not wanting to wear bright teal, sparkly short dress. Um no thanks!
Boys in Skinny Jeans- OK so maybe this isn't a huge problem in Oklahoma but in Las Vegas it is an epidemic. I mean I cant walk out of my house and not see a boy in skinny jeans. Even in the 115 degree weather. I mean yikes. And its not just high schoolers! I would say one out of every 5 guys on campus is in skinny jeans. Then you go to the strip and they forgeries think it is OK to cut their skinny jeans and make them shorts. Umm no yours in America now and you need to follow our rules (there is a whole post to come on things you need to know when coming to Vegas).
Tiny Dogs/ Dogs in tote bags- OK not only is Paris Hilton old but so is this. I just want to run up and rescue these poor little dogs. And even more so when they have clothes on. I mean come on, have a kid or something let dogs be dogs! Most of the time I refrained from saying something is because Sandro or Bern pull me in the other direction and give me the "please don't embarrass me look". 50% of the time that works, but it leaves me feeling horrible for these dogs.
This list is short and all i could think of for now but if you can think of other things that should go away then feel free to comment and let me know!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Vegas Family

So i thought it was only right for me to dedicate a post to my Las Vegas family. Moving out here I had no one, seriously, looking back i realize the how crazy it was for me to pick UNLV without ever having visiting the campus or the city. But i did choose here to i hopped on a plane with my mama and in Vegas we landed. I have never live back in Tulsa again. I could only have stayed because of my "Vegas family."

Bern- (Bernadette) My first love in Vegas. Met her seriously on day 1 while searching for food on campus and we have not be apart since. She has been my roomie and bestest for the last 3 years. If it were not for her our house would go to hell. Seriously, we tell people that i decorate and she cleans. I also cook and she cleans. But she bakes, AMAZINGLY! But any who, we are like the odd couple. She is a mixture of 2 equal parts. 1 part OCD and 1 part constant stressor. You see that is my meal ticket. I think she would have kicked me to the curb long ago if not for my awesome advice and ability to calm her down. and also my mom, she LOVES my mom. Then again my entire Las Vegas Family loves "mama Boyd" as they have dubbed her. Let me just give you a short list of the things Bern does for me; my laundry, not just the washing and drying but the folding and hanging. She remembers what i forget. Pays the bills. The one time she left me the cable went out cause i didn't know i had to pay the bill. She does my makeup for formal events (i do her hair). She cleans out the refrigerator when things start to smell funny. She buys me things before i realize I'm about to run out. Basically I couldn't function without her. So as you can see love Bern and the pure thought of having to live on my own and take care of my own house, scares me so much it keeps me up at night. SERIOUSLY I wonder if i could pay someone to do all the things she does for me, probably not.
and she goes out with me when i look like this!

Man Friend- Alessandro (Sandro)- So if you don't know what a man friend is let me tell you! a man friend is what you have when you are scared of the word "boyfriend" YIKES! A man friend is more fun and less serious. While Sandro will always be my man friend he has now worked his way up to the boyfriend status. Pause for reaction! But really, he is pretty freaking awesome! He is always surprising me and treats me amazingly. But don't go shining his halo, he is just a sarcastic and can hold his own. He likes for people to think that i am mean to him but don't feel sorry for him! He gives it right back... that might be what i like most about him! But what's even more is that my family loves him! But then again, my mom and dad are not like most parents of a young women. My dad is convinced that if i wasn't dating someone i was either being a bitch or i was gay. Either way have a boyfriend was the only way to silence him. Not to make is seem i only starting dating Sandro so my dad would know that i like boys. I really was not looking for a man friend when i met him but it just kinda happened. O and just in case you were wondering I was convinced early on that he was gay. He claims he didn't kiss me until date 100 because he was sick but let me tell you, everyone around me knew about this "gay" guy i was seeing. He just loves when i tell that story!! It's almost been a year and I couldn't be more happy!

Man Friend and I before we zipped!

Best Friend/Big Bro- (Adrian) He was the first boy i met when i came here but from the beginning we were like brother and sister. Although convincing my mom and dad that it was nothing more was a little harder. So you know my dads next logical step, HE must be gay. Adrian likes to tell people that just came in his dorm room and told him that he wasn't going to meet any new friends by keeping his door closed the first week of school. Now i know that doesn't sound like me so i know you wont believe his lies. Anyways, he went "greek" a year before me. I didn't understand it but because he was my best friend I was his date to many a SAE function. And if i thought convincing my mom and dad there was nothing going on, try convincing about 40 plus guys in their 20s that a guy and girl can hang out all the time and really nothing is going on. They didn't believe us, it only took about a year for them to realize we were telling the truth. Adrian is the person I turn to when I want the truth, we never lie to one another! It's awesome. So when I did cross over and go "greek" there was no one more i wanted to be my big bro! Adrian was the only one that would do because I don't know if he is really a big bro or a twin bro.

At a formal

Thought of the Day- why is laying in wait to scare someone so much fun??

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

ME- Painted by someone else!

This my friends is how much my co-worker loves me! I think she painted a pretty much true picture of me! Read it and find out for yourself!

thought of the day- if your in the gutter, I'm in the sewer!!

Dumb Questions, Dumb Answers

So my whole life i have failed to understand that point of dumb questions. Even though I might talk fast I always think about what I am saying before I say it. So it still baffles me that some people don't do the same. Lets start with my trip to Starbucks that prompted this post...
I have always being nice and have been taught great manors, which my mom gave to me! Literally she gave me her manors and lost all hers. Example time...
lady- thank you and have a nice day
mom- un hun

un hun, not thanks, not you too, but un hun... RUDE

So anyways back to Starbucks. I am patiently waiting in line when i get to the front of the line. The girl behind the counter looks and me and say (I quote) "Are you ordering a drink?" Seriously, seriously. I could understand if i had some of their fruit cups in my hand or something but no, i waited in this long line, just so i could smell the aroma of your freshly brewed coffee... YES IM GETTING A DRINK!

The other thing that bugs me that clerks say all the time...
I put my items up on the belt, he or she scans all of them, then looks at me and says "is that all?" At which point it is all I can do not to bust out with " No, I have a DVD player, 3 shirts, a ring, and a case a pop. I was hoping you wouldn't notice and that i could sneak out but since you asked if that's all I guess I will fess up and put the rest of my items on the belt." Seriously, Seriously.

my last and final statement is what happens at customer service counters. Example...
me- waiting in line forever to return something or ask a question and finally get to the front!
person- can i help you with something?
Me- no i wait in this long ridiculous line just to say hi
Me- Hi

Thought of the Day- why is it "check yourself before your wreck yourself"? It should be " check yourself be I wreck you". Much better.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Your mom and dad

There are a few things you need to know about my mom and dad. 1. They are dorks 2. They try really hard to be cool 3. they are each others best friend and the rest... well it couldn't be summed up so here it is.

One thing you need to know are the phones calls i get from them. They are for 1 of 2 reasons. 1. Something computer or TV related is going on that i need to fix RIGHT NOW and 2. No reason at all. I don't know which one is worse.

Sample of Reason number 1-

Me- Hey mom

Mom- OK we have a problem

me- what is it

mom- the cable is off and the big bang theory is about to start. your dad and i are freaking out.

me- OK what does the screen say

mom- well its on that blue screen with the grey box, you know which one I'm talking about

me- No mom i cant see your TV so i don't know what the screen looks like

mom- just tell me what to do Jackie we've got 2 minuets

me- OK well press the white CABLE button at the top of the remote

mom- white cable button................ OK got it

me- now what channel is TBBT on


me- OK press 6

mom- press 6.... OK done

mom and dad- give me cheer and tell me how smart i am, then quickly hang up sure to not miss the first moments of what is now their favorite show.

Reason number 2-

Me- Hey dad, whats up?

Dad- Nothing, just sitting here reading the paper, watch TV and arguing with your mom.

Me- Wow nothings changed

Dad (O shut up Karen) well what'd you expect.

Me- did you want something
dad- just wanted to see what you were doing


the next thing you need to know about my mom and dad the insist on calling the dogs my brothers and sister.

As their children grew up and moved on with their life they replaced them with children, O wait mean DOGS. Every phone call is not complete until i hear the latest for the doggie world. Our house is now all for the dogs. take for instance one time on a trip home for LV. I get in my comfies and get ready for a veg night with my mom and dad. I take my place on the couch, knowing better than to take either one of their almost matching recliners that are posted up side by side right in front of the TV. I soon get up to get a drink and go the bathroom, when i return i realize my seat has been jacked and my parent could care-less. i am told i can either get another chair or sit on the floor, know that is absurd i squeeze my way on the couch and make the dogs work around me. the way it should people. photo proof that the dogs have taken over is below.

the next thing you should know is that when my parents are acting up they are no longer my parents, they become my sisters parents. let me give you an example.

mom does something embarrassing in the middle of a store

Betsy grabs my arm and instructs me to "get my mom"

this is just the last thing i am going to post but most certainly is not the complete list of things you should know about my parents.

so i recently got diagnosed with being allergic to gluten. Not fun, but it is amazing how what you put in your body really effects the way you feel. OK so that is not what you need to know about my parents but what you should know is, after my mom heard of my news and i explained what it was and what is did. She began to think she had it to, which is very possible because it is genetic. but the funny part of this is how her and my dad are now on this gluten free kick. Every phone call is included about the newest product they have tried or asking me questions about it. I love that they are in to it but my mother is actually attending a class at whole foods. I am actually thinking of seeing if my whole foods has a class just so i can take my phone and snap pictures. Maybe this isn't funny to most but to me and my sisters its great!!

I love my mom and dad, they seriously provide entertainment in my life and i would be lost without them. They have provided me a life most dream of and they have shown me what real love is and it is safe to say i would not be the person i am without them and their hysterics.

Thought of the day: why are sharks the only animals the receive a whole week dedicated to them on television.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are

Ok, so let me start by saying that never really understood the point of a camera on your phone. I mean the quality is not good enough to print and hang so really what's the point. Well my friends that was until i found (read my post first, but if you haven't been there, GO) so anyways the more i saw the walcreatures and they like to call me i started to realized i saw my own far share of "creatures" out and about in the city of Las Vegas.

So the next logical step after finding one of these urban myths is to snap a picture of them and post for you see and experience them in all their glory.

This my friends is where country/hillbilly meets city or hillbilly comes to city, city rejects hillbilly and hillbilly goes back where hillbilly belongs. Either way please note a few things; the cargo shorts, the camouflage talk boots, o yea and the ring worm on the inside of the right leg.

Here we have Pat. Man or women you deiced. I couldn't tell at first until is turned around and the front of the super-high waisted pants were bedazzled. AWESOME

What could be better than those pants your ask? The ACTUAL picture of a naked girl on the front of his shirt.

And what are they reading? On is reading about LiLo's drug use and the other about Bristol Palins baby. Hopefully the prayed before, during, and after.

Everywhere i go i will continue to take my phone and have it ready at a moments notice when i spot this creature i hunt. until then my friends...

Thought of the Day- If you get a coupon for 50% off the half price lawyers, are they free?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

98 cents

Ok so yesterday the roommate and I went to the 98 cent store. Wait, I'm sorry its called the 98 cent SUPERSTORE. I must say I was pretty freaking excited about this. I couldn't wait to see what i could get for 98 cents that some other dude was paying 99 cents for down the street. That's my mother in me. So anyways, we pull up and I must say that outside looked promissing.

The inside however was a little different. It was a cross between the more expensive 99 cents store and a thrift store. I will only say this about the people there, they give the people of Walmart a run for their money! Yikes... So once I got passed the funky smell and the "interesting" people, I saw what looked like a promising selection of things I didn't need but just might of had to have. It wasn't until i got closer i realized why these things were 98 cents...

Don't worry though, I didn't leave empty handed. I picked up a cute little "key word little" zebra 2 piece swimsuit. Oh and guess what, normally both pieces are 98 cents each but they were having a special so I got both top and bottom for 98 cents. After wiping the tear from my eyes from laughter i make my way to the counter to buy all my expensive items and what happens next could not be made up...

This is the conversation between me and Misty (yes thats how you spell her name)
Misty- "Find everything ok?"
Me- "yes, thank you"
(she rings up a few items, then gets to the swimsuit)
Misty- "Oh isn't this just so cute"
Me- "Yup, cant wait to wear it" (when hell freezes over)
Misty- " Yea, i bought this before we opened, but I had to pay 98 cents for each piece, i woulda waited if i'd known it was going to go on sale."
Me- (fighting back laughter) that is a bummer, butl i hope to we don't wear it to the same pool on the same day, that would be embarrassing"
Misty- "well then we would just have to model it and see who looks better"
Me- (being a nice as i can) "i bet you would win"
Misty- "thanks, my boyfriend says I'm a winner"

Misty weighted about 180 pounds.

I am in no way making a fat joke here! Just a hillbilly one!

Thought of the Day- Mental images... easy to develop, hard to erase!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

First Post

OK so i am starting this blog to capture my daily life and thoughts. Good thing I will be including my thoughts because I'm pretty sure my life would bore you. I have been told by many that I should do this and i only hope I can come up with enough material to keep you laughing and coming back for more!

Thought of the Day- that commercial, windows 7 was my idea shut up no it wasn't. they should have it say windows 7, it was mac's idea.