Ok! So there are somethings that I want the world to know when it comes to visiting Las Vegas! These are things we locals have discussed many of times and felt it important to share the list with you!!
I picked the top 5 that bug me the most!
5- This is for the ladies. First off you look ridiculous walking miles in 5 inch heals (we point and laugh) but second, it is NEVER OK for you to remove foot ware and walk around barefoot. I know your saying to yourself that it never happens. But, my friends... it does.
4- Don't rent a car unless you know where you are going and how to drive in this city. Us locals can spot a rent a car a mile away. Seriously, it annoys us. Please Please Please take a cab.
3- It is not acceptable for you to walk around in your undergarments. Ladies, bras and panties go under your clothes. Guys- same with boxers. Key point- UNDER the clothes. We don't want to see that, you are not cute, we don't think its funny, and most of all.. you look like a fool.
2- When you are walking on Las Vegas Blvd please take note of the big red/orange hand flashing. hint- THIS MEANS STOP WALKING. Please stop because I will hit you, or give you a scare, but you know what... its what you get. You are the reason I don't go down there, you are the reason every person hates driving on this street.
1- The most common offence and number one thing you should know before coming to Vegas... Fashion rules still apply. I can't tell you how many times i have been completely discussed by the sight of a 60 year old women in a spandex tube dress. YIKES! Or the hoards of old mean wearing wife betters, gold chains, and smoking cigars. Eww and don't hit on me. your old enough to be my dad!
There i more I'm sure but those are the ones that bug the most! If you have any questions or a planning a trip this way, please feel free to call ahead so i can fill you in on the dos and dont's of a Las Vegas traveler.
Thought of the Day- Eat a piece of cheese.
^^^ that is in honor of my mother, who's birthday is today and who swore that if you just eat a piece of cheese it would fill your hunger tell dinner.
Sydney Kate || 9 Months
8 years ago